February 16, 2025

Website about Jazz and Blues

Interview with Arild Andersen: Music is like a wall for me that I can lean onto in difficult times: Video

Jazz interview with contrabassist Arild Andersen. An interview by email in writing. He is one of the legends of Scandinavian jazz, we accept that and we are always attentive to him and the music he creates and delivers, but the wonderful musician has some problems with politeness, he gives the impression of an ungrateful person. Jazz legends have never done that, especially with the media, unfortunately.

JazzBluesNews.com: – Please explain your creative process … What are your main impulses to write music?

Arild Andersen: – I never write music just to write.. It is always in connection with either a commission work or the need of new music for the band I have.. I always know who will be playing it and adjust a bit to that.

JBN: – Before we jump into anything historical, can you tell us about what we can expect musically this evening?

AA: – This evening? Depends of which record you put on I guess …. smile! There are many and it has changed while I´m going…

There could be talk or advertising about your CD

JBN: – Are there sub-genres within the jazz field that you tend to stay away from or focus on?

AA: – I don´t stay away from any gender in general.. Sometimes I get bored by music starting out as pretty free and end up with a slow/medium backbeat groove on one chord. I also feel it is too many downbeats in odd rythm music.. i miss the flow over the one..

JBN: – When your first desire to become involved in the music was & what do you learn about yourself from music?

AA: – Music is like a wall for me that I can lean onto in difficult times …

JBN: – Did your sound evolve during that time?

AA: – I always have had a certain idea of my sound and worked on it and still do.. It has to do with sustain and presence.

JBN: – How would you describe and rate the music scene you are currently living?

AA: – I am pretty happy.

JBN: – When you improvise, you know where you’re going. It’s a matter of taking certain paths and certain directions?

AA: – It depends on what is happening around me and also what has happened so far in the concert.

JBN: – Do you ever get the feeling that music majors, and particularly people who are going into jazz, are being cranked out much like business majors? That they are not really able to express themselves as jazz musicians?

AA: – Never really thought of that

JBN: – What about somebody who is really gifted and puts together a band and just gets upset to the point of quitting because of the business aspects-the agents and the clubs?

AA: – Well I can see the frustration … There are always practical thing to take care of.. But you have to take care of your talent. Your talent is not bigger than the talent you have to take care of your talent.

JBN: – With such an illustrious career, what has given you the most satisfaction musically?

AA: – Meeting so many great people. Musicians.

JBN: – From the musical and feeling point of view is there any difference between a old and great jazzmans and young?

AA: – I don´t think so … the surroundings are changing and so is the music.

JBN: – What advice would you give to aspiring musicians thinking of pursuing a career?

AA: – Practice so you can play what you hear in your head…

Interview by Simon Sargsyan

Note: You can express your consent and join our association, which will give you the opportunity to perform at our Jazz and Blues festivals in Europe and Boston, naturally receiving an appropriate royalty. We cover all expenses. The objectives of the interview are: How to introduce yourself, your activities, thoughts and intellect, and make new discoveries for our US/EU Jazz & Blues Association, which organizes festivals, concerts and meetings in Boston and various European countries, why not for you too!! You can read more about the association here. https://jazzbluesnews.com/2022/11/19/us-eu-jba/

Norwegian bass player