In the USA & EU. The official Top 10 Musician Albums of the Week worldwide, based on sales of CDs, downloads, vinyl and audio streams, and other formats.
Compiled by the official US/EU charts company Jazz Blues from 26 to 31 August.
US/EU Jazz Blues Albums Chart Update:
New CD: 5, Week: 1, Trash: 3
1. Downloaded 8 times, viewed by 12․743 readers
2. Downloaded 5 times, viewed by 10․854 readers
3. Downloaded 4 times, viewed by 10․025 readers
4. Downloaded 3 times, viewed by 9865 readers
5. Downloaded 2 times, viewed by 9225 readers
As a result of last week, these CDs and musicians who had only 1 purchase ended up in the trash this week. Reject these CDs.
Please note that the data shown for this image only reflects the average weekly position, the peak positions in this image also refer to weekly positions.
Our email address: You can apply for comments and suggestions with any question.
US/EU Jazz Blues album updates are available from until August 10, 2018.
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