Jazz Interview with jazz organist Brian Charette. interview by email in writing. JazzBluesNews.Space: – First...
Jazz Interview with Jazz pianist Benny Lackner. interview by email in writing. JazzBluesNews.Space: – First...
Jazz Interview with Jazz contrabassist Joe Sanders. interview by email in writing. JazzBluesNews.Space: – First...
Jazz interview with Jazz Tenor Saxophonist Bob Mintzer. interview by email in writing. JazzBluesNews.Space: –...
Jazz interview with jazz trumpeter Enrico Rava. interview by email in writing. JazzBLuesNews.Space: – First...
Jazz interview with jazz pianist Tord Gustavsen. interview by email in writing. JBN.S: – First...
Jazz interview with jazz bassist Arild Andersen. interview by email in writing. JBN.S: – First...
Producer and impresario spearheads effort to aggregate concerts, interviews and documentaries: Video
Producer Quincy Jones, in partnership with TV producer Reza Ackbaraly from France, has announced...
After a six-year wait, renowned bassist Christian McBride reunites with his big band to...
A longtime time professor of Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, trumpeter Sean Jones has served...
About Dave Potter. Dave Potter is quickly becoming known as a formidable musician. He...
For the first installment of Jazz Goes to College, program director and trumpet player Dr....