With a rich history of craftsmanship and innovation, Gibson has become synonymous with music...
The four-day film fest in Columbia, Missouri brings together filmmakers and musicians! Video, Photos
The four-day film fest in Columbia, Missouri brings together filmmakers and musicians! Appearing were...
Every year the Dutch Blues Foundation (DBF) presents an Award for the Best Dutch...
The 43-year-old likes to disrupt tradition with noise, experimental and indie influences. She explains...
“The information as to the technique of the music, is usually passed down, as...
Lewis Porter graciously shared three choruses of a 1938 performance of “After You’ve Gone”...
Roach’s life— the epitome of a life lived with purpose and integrity— or to...
The almost forgotten cornetist Freddie Keppard was briefly king of jazz: a natural talent...
The vast amount of Gershwin reception includes over a dozen biographies. While researching my...
Allen Lowe, a man of multiple talents — musician, songwriter, author, historian — likes to argue. Luckily for jazz...
German jazz is becoming more international. Languages and styles are intermingling, artist-run spaces are...
As composer, improviser, electronic pioneer, and scholar, Lewis is one of the major musical...