September 7, 2024

Website about Jazz and Blues

Interview with Alune Wade: When music is in tellectual, it is for the brain: Video

Jazz interview with jazz bassist Alune Wade. An interview by email in writing. 

JazzBluesNews.Space: – First let’s start with where you grew up, and what got you interested in music?

Alune Wade: – I grew up in Dakar Senegal West Africa,surrounded by music, rhythms, melodiesin the streets of Dakar … my fathera wasmusician in the Senegale searmy.

JBN.S: – What got you interested in picking up the your musical instrument? What teacher or teachers helped you progress to the level of playing you have today? What made you choose the your musical instrument?

AW: – I did not attend music school, I am a self taught musician, learning from the music on the radio, cassette tapes that I borrowed from friends, and I asked people who were more experienced to show me the basics. In the 80s the bass guitar was a fairly present instrument in Senegalese music and especially highly respected in Africa.

JBN.S: – How did your sound evolve over time? What did you do to find and develop your sound?

AW: – My sound has evolved with time and experience.and by virtue of investing time and effort in different projects Iended up finding a way that I can call my own.

JBN.S: – What practice routine or exercise have you developed to maintain and improve your current musical ability especially pertaining to rhythm?

AW: – Nowadays Ispendless time with my instrument but more time with music, the most important for a musician is to beidentify as a musician and not as an instrumentalist, learn your instrument through other instruments at the same time.But thatdoes not stop me from doing a few hours a day of scales for my muscles and my dexterity.

JBN.S: – Which harmonies and harmonic patterns do you prefer now?

AW: – I oftenlisten to the suites from J.S Bach, for example. My music is a cocktail of many influences, from Harmonies African traditional music, for example the music of the 13th century Mand inke Empire, passing through North Africa, and Jazz to Hip-Hop.

JBN.S: – Which are the best jazz albums for you of 2017 year?

AW: – I dont know which one is the best but i like the last Gregory Porter album Nat King Cole&Me.

JBN.S: – What’s the balance in music between intellect and soul?

AW: – Its all is about state of mind and environment, when music is in tellectual, it is for the brain, when its by the soul its for the heart, that’s why it is between nature&humanity. Music is divine.

JBN.S: – Please any memories from gigs, jams, open acts and studio sessions which you’d like to share with us?

AW: – I will always remember the first day of the rehearsals with the late Mr Joe Zawinul ! The first trackwas ORIENT EXPRESS. When we fin is hed the first take, he said to me: «Wade – The Orient Express is a train that crosses Europe from West to East, soyou have to play the bass line like the locomotive: head on! Stays traight !» Since that day, I have been trying to visualize my music much more, to makeit more focused.

JBN.S: – Many aspiring musicians are always looking for advice when navigating thru the music business. Is there any piece of advice you can offer to aspiring students or even your peers that you believe will help them succeed and stay positive in this business?

AW: – Now a days musicians have to take care of themselves,in music as well as in business. This is not easy for every one, but we are obliged to do it, especially when the opportunities are slow to present them selves! But the most important is to Love what we Do first!

JBN.S: – Аnd furthermore, can jazz be a business today or someday?

AW: – I dont know if jazz can be a business one day, but its already a business for those who take care of the players.

JBN.S: – Which collaboration have been the most important experiences for you?

AW: – Each collaboration is important to me, because they all have something special and unique and that has brought me considerable value in my career.

JBN.S: – How can we get young people interested in jazz when most of the standard tunes are half a century old?

AW: – To no longer limit jazz to standards, because the story that created jazz existed well before the standards. It is like belief and the Bible. We do not need to read it to believe in God!Standards are products of an era in jazz.

JBN.S: – John Coltrane said that music was his spirit. How do you understand the spirit and the meaning of life?

AW: – That iswhy the Coltrane’s Music is time less – it will live forever due to the presence of the spirit! In Africa, web elieve in spirits, they are part of every day life.

JBN.S: – What are your expectations of the future? What brings you fear or anxiety?

AW: – We only reap what we sow. I believe in being positive, and of not hurtingany soul, because my belief in people is what keeps me going.

JBN.S: – If you could change one thing in the musical world and it would become a reality, what would that be?

AW: – The goal is not to change the music but to participate in its creation, and to write pages in its letters of nobility.

JBN.S: – What’s the next musical frontier for you?

AW: – For me, it is always my intention to go beyond the boundaries, and to never be bound by any limits – this is how to find the beauty in music.

JBN.S: – Are there any similarities between jazz and world music, including folk music?

AW: – It all depends on when a music is called «world music», it is often the music that comes from Africa, so in this case they share the same Roots and stories, knowing that world music is like a tote bag containing all facets of life.

JBN.S: – Who do you find yourself listening to these days?

I always listen Miles Davis, besides i listened to him a lot in Bitches Brew before the recordings of African Fast-Food, the same for Fela Kuti. I also like the musical conception of Esperanza Spalding.

JBN.S: – What’s your current setup?

AW: – Nowadays i use one 4 strings (Bacchus) made in Japan and one fret less 5-string bass (Combe) by a french Luthier. For us some effects: preamp, octaver, and chorus …

JBN.S: – Let’s take a trip with a time machine, so where and why would you really wanna go?

AW: – I wouldlike to be in Dakar in the 90s but only for one week!! 🙂

JBN.S: – I have been asking you so far, now may I have a question from yourself …

AW: – You think i wasreallyclear in my remarks? 🙂

JBN.S: – Thank you for answers. Of course not 🙂

Interview by Simon Sargsyan

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