Admittedly, traveling across London today to 229, I found out very quickly that outside,...
No musicians get more of my admiration than those working in the field of...
England as if blues singer Ellis Bailey has kicked off the new year with...
It was January 12, 1957. A program called “The Sound of Jazz” was on...
No record label has ever had its history subjected to the sort of minutely...
Eliane Elias is one of the most glorious, distinguished jazz vocalists of our lifetimes....
In the previous episode I announced the sighting of a message in a bottle:...
However much I love Classic, Jazz, Blues and Rock music, there will always be...
10. Jihye Lee Orchestra – Infinite Connections The South Korean former pop singer and...
Interview with jazz guitarist Micaela Martini. An interview by email in writing. Jazz Blues News:...
2024 was a year of strong blues rock albums, but alongside the best, there...
It begins with a personal memory, “Kind of Miles” the show written and performed...