March 10, 2025

Website about Jazz and Blues

Interview with Krzysztof Kusmierek: The meaning of mistake or feeling the moment is very huge in music: Video

Jazz interview with jazz saxophonist Krzysztof Kuśmierek. An interview by email in writing. – First let’s start with where you grew up, and what got you interested in music?

Krzysztof Kuśmierek: – I was born in Stargard, little town in Poland. My father was a drummer so he was bringing a lot of music to home. My mom always sang a lot of songs for me and she was also very open for a lot of types of music. When I decided to be a musician they supported me a lot.  To this day it is so.

JBN: – How did your sound evolve over time? What did you do to find and develop your sound?

KK: – I thing mostly I listened a lot of music. Different types- from jazz and classical music to folk, pop and rock. Paradoxically I love to listen saxophonist with totally opposite way of creating a sound. I tried to pick every great part of it and mix it. I also had a great masters in Poznań who showed me a lot different ways of thinking about it. This masters are Jarosław Wachowiak and Maciej Kociński.

JBN: – What practice routine or exercise have you developed to maintain and improve your current musical ability especially pertaining to rhythm?

KK: – It’s quite interesting. I always tried to practice some fundamental parts in different ways like: long tones, sound, intervals, scales. For example I create a phrase and play it on different time, meters or contexts. Same stuff I make with scales. Sometimes I choose some standard and try to play some irregular structures on a form. It helps to find a new ideas to improvise. I spend some time also for discover some new sounds on my saxophone. I play some multiphones, sound effects etc.

JBN: – How do you prepare before your performances to help you maintain both spiritual and musical stamina?  

KK: – I like to make short warm up in the morning, then one before a concert. General, I spend the time before concert with my band. In all of my bands I work with my good friends. The connection we have is not only in music. This give me a lot of power- being close with people I love- my wife, family and friends. When I play I love to be focus on energy I give people. I thing this energy always creates rejoice on the audience.

JBN: – What’s the balance in music between intellect and soul?  

KK: – I thing the balance is when you can play most of your music which is in your head whenever you want. I won’t say everything because the meaning of mistake or feeling the moment is very huge in music. When you listen second quintet of Miles you can hear a lot of changes in form which are doing in time of performing. It gives a lot of beautiful madness and ideas how to do something new, how to create new reality.

JBN: – There’s a two-way relationship between audience and artist; you’re okay with giving the people what they want?

KK: – I think if you’re honest with your music people will feel it and admire it. The meaning of music is to share it with people. Share the emotions, feelings and energy. Maybe that’s why I speak a lot on the concerts. I like to speak about our music and how it emerged.

JBN: – Please any memories from gigs, jams, open acts and studio sessions which you’d like to share with us?

KK: – I thing It’s too many of them. This guy’s are totally crazy. For example we never know who gonna speak to the microphone on the concert so we owe decided to say all together. People liked it so … we do it often.

JBN: – How can we get young people interested in jazz when most of the standard tunes are half a century old?

KK: – I thing there are two ways. First is to play it but not only classical way. Try to create from standards some new ideas. Sometimes you can use it to your compositions. Try to play them and find the language you admire the most and be open for every music. When I found music of Wayne Shorter, John Coltrane, Woody Shaw or Jazz Messengers I fell in love totally and I was a teenager that time. I still listen and love lot’s of different cats but from the first listen I knew that’s stuff will accompany me for the very long time of my music journey. Second way is to discuss with young people and tell them why we admire music (genres, musicians etc.). I belive in calm and good dialog. I try to thing about music I listen and then say about it to different people. Even when I meet someone first time and we talk about music I recommend them jazz music. I always say that the energy on this concerts is totally different than in other genres.

JBN: – John Coltrane said that music was his spirit. How do you understand the spirit and the meaning of life?

KK: – I think it resembles the thinking of the mentioned Coltrane. I believe in God and I thinking he show us his aspect on many ways, in many religions. I believe that you should be good person. There is old proverb in Poland- live so that no one cries because of you.

JBN: – If you could change one thing in the musical world and it would become a reality, what would that be?

KK: – I would like to see more professional managers who can help young musicians in their way. The same is with the directors of different mainstream media.

JBN: – Who do you find yourself listening to these days?

KK: – Now I listen more Scandinavian music. I love Fire! Orchestra, Eiric Hegdal and Trondheim Jazz Orchestra. I like also listen my polish friends music. They are great and there are so many of them. It’s hard to say about all of them 🙂

JBN: – What is the message you choose to bring through your music?

KK: – I think general I like to show freedom in my music. I hope the audience see the same.

JBN: – Let’s take a trip with a time machine, so where and why would you really wanna go?

KK: – Honestly. Hard to say. I like this place where I am. Maybe I will visit Jesus times.

JBN: – I have been asking you so far, now may I have a question from yourself…

KK: – Sure. Did you enjoy conversation? I’m very honored that you want talked with me 🙂

JBN: – Thank you!!!

Interview by Simon Sargsyan

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