March 11, 2025

Website about Jazz and Blues

Interview with Tracy Carter: The balance depends upon your heart mind: Video, new CD cover

Jazz interview with jazz pianist, smooth jazz musician Tracy Carter. An interview by email in writing. – First, let’s start out with where you grew up, and what got you interested in music?

Tracy Carter: – Grew up on Sacramento, My mother and father was heavy into church music. My mother was the choir director and she exposed me to many choir functions, I became very interested in learning to play the piano. I also have a God given talent and a keen ear to figure out music chords, and also had a teacher for a short time. I would practice for hours daily.

JBN: – How has your sound evolved over time? What have you been doing to find and develop your own sound?

TC: – My sound evolved from analog audio to to digital audio. Continuous practice and research has taken me to higher levels in musicianship. I started playing for gigs that came my way. I was music director for professional artists, such as Gearld Albright Chaka Khan, and Faithful Central Bible Church

JBN: – What routine practices or exercises have you developed to maintain and improve your current musical proficiency, in terms of both rhythm and harmony?

TC: – Theory and consistent practice with “Jazz Hanon”, consistent exercises along with ear training and listening to a wide genre of compositions along with some of my favorites musicians.

JBN: – How do you keep stray, or random, musical influences from diverting you from what you’re doing?

TC: – I stay focus on projects until completed before diverting to any other projects. When I set a deadline I stick with it.

JBN: – How do you prepare for your recordings and performances to help you maintain both spiritual and musical stamina?

TC: – I always pray before anything I do.

JBN: – What do you love most about your new album 2022: Shades of Me, how it was formed and what you are working on today.

TC: – I focused on me, and what my heart wanted to I made it a little personal. My brother passed away and it was important for me to do this project.

JBN: – How did you select the musicians who play on the album?

TC: – They are my friends and they are very competent and uses professionalism and project excellence. We play together all the time and the chemistry is

JBN: – In your opinion, what’s the balance in music between intellect and soul?

TC: – I feel The balance depends upon your heart mind and If you are spiritual it will come out in your music. Your heart, soul and compassion is connected with what you are creating in your music. As oppose to intellect. In my opinion sometimes intellect is connected to theory and reading the music without any improvisations and without the soul, and the compassion is not always present.

JBN: – There’s a two-way relationship between audience and artist; are you okay with delivering people the emotion they long for?

TC: – Yes! When performing I want to deliver I want my audience to leave the performance satisfied and ready for my next performance.

JBN: – Can you share any memories from gigs, jams, open acts and studio sessions over the years?

TC: – My favorable memory was when I went to Europe with Foley, He played with Miles That tour changed my life. I learned how to groove and listen.

JBN: – How can we get young people interested in jazz when most of standard tunes are half a century old?

TC: – I think having Jazz music workshops for the youth and including young people to input their ideas and, planning concerts leLng them be creative can turn this Young people need to understand they need to improve their writing skills to create quality melodies that will be remembered for years to come.

JBN: – John Coltrane once said that music was his How do you perceive the spirit and the meaning of life?

TC: – God is in my spirit and He gives life and because I am very much connect to God, I reach out to God for directions.

JBN: – If you could change one single thing in the musical world and that would become reality, what would that be?

TC: – To study classical music There is a discipline you must have.

JBN: – Whom do you find yourself listening to these days?

TC: – Still my fav’s Herbie Hancock, Chick Korea.

JBN: – What is the message you choose to bring through your music?

TC: – I choose to bring love and expressions of.

JBN: – Let’s take a trip with a time machine: where and why would you really want to go?

TC: – I want to go all over the world and meet new people who need to be inspired because people inspire me, their stories and where they have been.

JBN: – So far, it’s been me asking you questions, now may I have a question from yourself…

TC: – Can you help me get to Paris with my band? I want to get to Europe again and tour.

JBN: – It is a matter for discussion ․․․

JBN: – At the bottom line, what are your expectations from our interview?

TC: – Well you said 69,000 people read your articles, I hope they read the and find me intriguing, and like my music.

Interview by Simon Sargsyan