Jazz interview with jazz pianist and composer Ignasi Terraza. An interview by email in writing.
JazzBluesNews.com: – Please explain your creative process …
Ignasi Terraza: – Most of the times, it is a melody motive or a rhythm, then I seed down on the piano and I look for a harmonization.
JBN: – What are your main impulses to write music?
IT: – Sometimes is about expressing a feeling, others come naturally with the fact of doing music, without looking for other external motivations.
JBN: – What do you personally consider to be the incisive moments and pieces in your work and/or career?
IT: – The moments, 95 working with the group For Kats. In 2000 the record “Jazz a les fosques II”.
JBN: – Before we jump into anything historical, can you tell us about what we can expect musically this evening?
IT: – I play what I feel and how I feel.
JBN: – Are there sub-genres within the jazz field that you tend to stay away from or focus on?
IT: – I am more focused on jazz in the foundations from New Orleans to hard-bop, tasting also other styles and sub-genres in different collaborations, without forgetting my past background on classical music.
JBN: – When your first desire to become involved in the music was & what do you learn about yourself from music?
IT: – I started to play piano at age of twelve, and soon I began improvising on my way over the classical pieces I had learned. Soon also realized that music is for me the best way to express myself.
JBN: – How do you prepare before your performances to help you maintain both spiritual and musical stamina?
IT: – I don’t do any special ritual. Anyway, I look for some calm and isolation before playing to improve my concentration.
JBN: – What do you love most about your new album 2022: Unusual Trio, how it was formed and what you are working on today.
IT: – Playing in trio without bass it is a challenge that I wanted to face time ago. I think, it’s more demanding than playing in duo with a horn or singer, which I have done frequently last years.
I think we reached a point where you don’t miss the bass, the rhythm section grooves intensively, and the solos are free, not luck for keeping the time on the left hand of the piano through different styles and tempos.
JBN: – Did your sound evolve during that time? And how did you select the musicians who play on the album?
IT: – Yes, I think all of us have learned on this challenge.
I didn’t decide to start this trio till I found the wright musicians for it. On the drums I have chosen Esteve Pi, with whom we are playing together for more than 15 years and we know each other very well. On the horn, I was looking someone who could play consistently on modern and classic jazz and double with clarinet, sax, and flute. And when I meet Adrian Cunningham, I had the sensation that: he is my man.
JBN: – How would you describe and rate the music scene you are currently living?
IT: – It is a crazy time for jazz and, I could say, for music in general.
JBN: – When you improvise, you know where you’re going. It’s a matter of taking certain paths and certain directions?
IT: – Yes, it about telling a story, building something on the time, you have to flowing and at the same time, if you think of something, think in advance.
JBN: – Do you ever get the feeling that music majors, and particularly people who are going into jazz, are being cranked out much like business majors? That they are not really able to express themselves as jazz musicians?
IT: – Too much times, now adays, the music labeled as jazz having less attention, unless it is bringing something else from other music genres or scenes.
JBN: – What about somebody who is really gifted and puts together a band and just gets upset to the point of quitting because of the business aspects-the agents and the clubs?
IT: – Sadly, To much frequent.
JBN: – And lastly, being a teacher, do you find it difficult to write music yourself?
IT: – Not, I am looking for the balance in between my teaching job at the ESMUC (superior music school of Catalonia) and my musical career.
JBN: – With such an illustrious career, what has given you the most satisfaction musically?
IT: – Walking off stage with the feeling you have given your all.
JBN: – From the musical and feeling point of view is there any difference between a old and great jazzmans and young?
IT: – In old jazzmans, I find the wisdom and in the young musicians, the energy.
JBN: – What advice would you give to aspiring musicians thinking of pursuing a career?
IT: – This is not a sprint race; it is a long-distance race.
JBN: – Do You like our questions? So far, it’s been me asking you questions, now may I have a question from yourself…
IT: – I know that also this are difficult times for jazz issues. How are you doing in jazzblues?
JBN: – Great, I have no problem complaining, concerts, jazz and blues festivals, new CDs and their reviews, interviews.
JBN: – Have you ever given a free concert during your entire concert career?
IT: – Yes, I use to do some solidary concerts every year.
JBN: – At the bottom line, what are your expectations from our interview?
IT: – I expect it were published, and may someone will have the patience to read it.
Interview by Simon Sargsyan
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