It begins with a personal memory, “Kind of Miles” the show written and performed...
This film, a French-Belgian-Dutch production, should be released in Europe during the next year...
“Almost like a scientist.” That’s what someone says near the beginning of Ingredients for...
Fifty years ago in Prague there was an event that, by today’s standards, would...
The number of biographies dedicated to historical figures in free jazz has finally gained...
Jazz Blues News 2024 debuts with a truly remarkable display of genius. The heart...
If you happen to be in Paris this week, you might wander along to...
In this book, Nica’s great-granddaughter, Hannah Rothschild, delves into her family album to tell...
The Norwegian saxophone player, Jan Garbarek, who had an early breakthrough into the elite...
“Tango comes from the mud,” Brian Eno told an audience at Foyle’s bookshop the...
The first time I saw the pianist Brad Mehldau in person, playing with a...
David Corio is a fine British photographer whose book The Black Chord, with text...