Orphan Jon and The Abandoned – Over The Pain New CD – 2022 –...
Blues Festival
September originally set up a program with guests from Australia and the USA in...
In 2018, Tiger City Jukes filled the big stage at the Artillery Workshop in...
On the weekend of February 14 and 15, 2020, Dag Bergesen hosted the sixth...
Rocker George Thorogood and his Destoyers are announced as one of the headliners for...
A long-standing and too many welcome live offer at Klevjerhagan in Sande is now...
Holy Week 1-3. November 2019 was the world-class blues in Frederikshavn. Arena Nord was...
The weekend of November 8-10, the Norwegian blues community celebrated itself in a large-scale...
Quarterly for 17 years, Longyearbyen Blues Club has organized Dark Season Blues. It is...
Conducted Fjyra Bluesklubb at Sandane in Nordfjord on the 22nd edition of FjordBlues. American...
Rhode Island-based singer/songwriter/cornetist Al Basile teams up with guitarist/producer Duke Robillard and his outstanding...
In the midst of the turmoil between the concerts during the anniversary festival at...