Lucien Barbarin, a playfully suave and boisterous trombonist who carried a torch for traditional...
Jimmy Heath, a saxophonist, composer, arranger, educator and 2003 NEA Jazz Master who came...
Jack Sheldon, an acclaimed jazz musician whose trumpet graced the award-winning song “The Shadow...
Just over 40 years ago, Joseph Jarman published a book of poetry that opens...
Buddy Terry, a saxophonist who worked in a broad array of styles and situations...
There are lots of firsts and superlatives in the career of Ginger Baker, the...
Steve Dalachinsky, a contemporary poet unrivaled in his dedication to the jazz avant-garde, not...
American jazz and soul singer Nancy Holloway, who has lived in France since 1960...
One of New Orleans’ iconic musicians has died. Art Neville — a founding member...
The Brazilian singer and composer João Gilberto, one of the pioneers of bossa nova,...
The music legend, guitarist, piano man, jive talker and psychedelic godfather Malcolm John Rebennack...
Leon Redbone, the perpetually anachronistic, famously mysterious artist who rose to prominence as a...