February 12, 2025

Website about Jazz and Blues

LIVE – Roy Hargrove Musical Celebration 2019: Full live video

Roy Anthony Hargrove, one of the most respected and loved musicians in the New York City community and the world at large, was a trailblazing multiple Grammy Award winning trumpeter.

He was known just as intensely for his brimming fire and fury as he was for his gorgeous, signature balladry. Over and over, his sound attested to and sanctified his deep love for music. His unselfish timbre covered the waterfront of every musical landscape. Owning his music, his sound, Roy inspired generations of musicians. He was a game changer.

Here’s the set list from Kat at JALC. The producer of the event prefaced this list by saying there may have been some slight changes by the artists on the night of the show, but this should follow what was presented pretty closely. 1. Roy Hargrove Big Band Valera Brian’s Bounce Roy Allen La Puerta with Roberta Gambarini 2. McBride – Batiste – Hart – Hendrix – Riggins Public Eye 3. Jimmy Cobb, George Cables, Gary Bartz, Ray Drummond The Song Is You Peace with Dee Dee Bridgewater 4. Marc Cary – Danton Boller – Antonio Hart – Giveton – Riggins Carryisms 5. Dizzy All-Stars Big Band (also featured Roberta and Dee Dee) Hot House I’m Bebopping, Too Blue and Boogie Things To Come 6. Norah Jones The Nearness of You 7. Justin Robinson, Tadataka, Ameen, Quincy Phillips, Giveton Gelin From The Top of My Head Father Strassbourg/Saint Denis 8. Willie Jones III, Cyrus Chestnut, Danton Boller, Roberta Gambarini I Remember Clifford 9. Crisol The Mountains Mr. Bruce Una Mas 10. Lezlie Harrison – Saul Rubin – Ben Paterson To be decided 11. Sherman Irby-Jeremy Pelt-Larry Willis-Gerald Cannon-Willie Jones III Depth Nature Boy/To Wisdom The Prize Circus 12. RH Factor with Terrence Blanchard and Common Forget Regret Poetry Crazy Race or Hold One.

oy Hargrove Musical Celebration January 7, 2019 at the Lincoln Center introduced by Christian McBride, feat. Wynton Marsalis’ Fairview Brass Band in Parade (incl. M. Printup, tp, V. Goines, cl: Just a closer walk), Roy Hargrove Big Band (Tania Darby, lead tp, Freddie Hendrix, Frank Greene, Greg Gisbert, tp) w. guests: Roberta Gambarini (voc), Theo Crocker (tp, voc) & Giveton Gelin (tp, from Bahamas); Christian McBride Quintet (F. Hendri…x, tp, Antonio Hart, as, Jonathan Batiste, p, Karriem Riggins, dm), the 4 Legends (Gary Bartz, as, George Cables, p, Ray Drummond, b, Jimmy Cobb, dm), Dee Dee Bridgewater (voc: “Peace” by Silver), Antonio Hart Qnt, Dizzy Gillespie All Star Big Band (Gisbert, Hendrix, Greene, Rodriguez, tp, A. Hart, as, Mark Gross, as-voc, John Lee, b, Cyrus Chestnut, p: Hot House, I’m BeBoppin’ Too, Things to Come + Jon Faddis, tp), Norah Jones (p, voc), Justin Robinson (as)-Giveton Gelin Qnt (Quincy Phillips, dm)+Aida Brandes-Hargrove (Roy Hargrove’s wife) (voc) & Renee Neufville (voc), Willie Jones III (dm, w. Cyrus Chestnut, Gambarini & Steve Davis, tb),Crisol band (Mike Rodriguez,tp)+Gary Bartz, Lezlie Harrison (voc) w. Irvin Sherman (g), Jeremy Pelt (tp) (w. Sherman Irby, as, Larry Willis, p, Willie Jones III, dm), RH Factor closed the night with Sean Jones, Theo Crocker (tp), Jason Thomas (bs), Bryan Hargrove, Renee Neufville (kb),Stephanie McKay(voc) (“Juicy”, “Crazy Race”)+ Terence Blanchard (tp)…200 musicians
