It would be tempting to explain the success of this album with a cliché: that of the musician gone in search of his roots and more accomplished income. Evacuate it.
Not that it is quite impertinent, since here we hear at least a traditional Armenian tune (Erzeroumi Shoror) and that the heart splits more than once to the sobs and guttural murmurs of the duduk (oboe) and chevi ( flute). But a folkloric reading would not do justice to the close interweaving of jazz, groove (Wayne the saint) and Armenian illuminations, to the incredible cohesion of the quintet led by Alexis Avakian (with some interventions by Miqayel Voskanyan in singing and to the task) and to the poetry he unfolds with open heart.
Obviously, the saxophonist and flutist has achieved a firmer assurance in writing, which allows him to explore with meticulousness the slightest nuances of his sonic garden. The album exploits a nostalgic passion maintained to the point where softness and tearing no longer disentangle, sadness turning to consolation by the grace of the melody. Among these excellent musicians, Avakian particularly impresses, each of his solo interventions revealing intoxicating cracks.
- Yaounde 04:29
- Erzeroumi shoror 05:36
- Le rôle est beau 07:07
- Wayne the Saint 04:44
- Yerevanadzor 06:56
- Circus 01:34
- Gugo’s Jokes 06:31
- Ostuni-Nostruni 07:14
- Improvisation pour julien 03:29
- Interludo 01:10
- Miasin 06:07
Alexis Avakian (ts, fl..)
Luc Allainmat (p)
Artyom Minasyan (doudouk)
Miqayel Voqnayan (vc)
Mauro Gargano (cb)
Fabrice Moreau (dms)
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