In the chordless trio tradition of tenor saxophonist Sonny Rollins on A Night at...
An easygoing, straightahead venture, Another Place is a fitting title for Karen Sharp’s latest...
One day in the late Nineties, Dave Lombardo, the metal drumming powerhouse best known for...
Initially from St. Thomas but now based in Toronto, Canada, saxophonist, composer and educator...
French soprano saxophonist Stephane Spira and Italian-born pianist Giovanni Mirabassi recorded their first album...
On June 4, the iconoclastic composer, esteemed academic/pedagogical luminary, and free-jazz firebrand Anthony Braxton...
The former James Brown collaborator talks to Martin Chilton about growing up in segregated...
From Charlie Parker to Eddie Johnson, remembering jazz centenarians during a pandemic: Photos, Video
This was going to be a year of great jazz centennials. For 1920 marked...
Jazz interview with a bad musician, as if saxophonist Sam Gendel. An interview by...
Long time musical associates Walter Smith III and Matthew Stevens perform in a multiplicity...
Alto saxophone great Richie Cole once referred to in Downbeat magazine as “the sax...
Charles Owens is in his element when he plays jazz with his saxophone, dressed...